
Representations of War and Terrorism
The Ideology and Language of George W. Bush

In today’s media-dominated world, how do politicians “sell” their ideas to an increasingly informed and sceptical audience? How do they manage to persuade their national communities of the rightness of their policies, especially when dealing with such controversial topics as war and terrorism? These questions cannot be answered without addressing the key issue of language and its role in social and political communication. Representations of War and Terrorism. The Ideology and Language of George W. Bush addresses some key issues of contemporary politics. The first part of the book provides readers with the necessary linguistic tools and methods, namely those offered by Critical Linguistics and Critical Discourse Analysis, which would enable them to analyse the language of politics. In the second part, these tools and methods are applied to the speeches on war and terrorism given by George Bush between 2001 and 2003. In a period dominated by 9/11 and the wars on Afghanistan and Iraq, these speeches have greatly influenced Western political and even cultural attitudes, especially those towards the Muslim world. The linguistic analysis of Bush’s speeches sheds light on the complex ideological framework which originated them.


Dettaglio pubblicazione

  • Pagine: : 224
  • Lingua: : Inglese
  • ISBN: : 978-88-7553-049-1

Info sull'autore


Biografia dell'autore ..::.. Coming Soon ..::..

Edizioni dal Sud di Ponticelli Andrea s.a.s.

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